The following questionnaire allows you to establish your investor profile and determine which of our services is the most appropriate for your situation.
In less than 5 minutes, you get :
- a side-by-side comparison of the fees involved between the different services offered by Idema Investments;
- a detailed analysis of the applicable fees;
- a brief description of the recommended portfolio;
- a comparison between your current discount broker and the discount broker we suggest, if any.
After this free analysis, simply compare our proposal to your current situation and find out if our services make sense to you. If you own mutual funds and do not know how much your are paying in management fees, we suggest you try or Fee Comparison Tool tool or visit the website of Morningstar where you will be able to compare fees on your funds
Once on the website, search with the name of your fund. On the reports page, look for the « MER » column.